Toshiba America Foundation Grant

The Toshiba America Foundation awards teachers who wish to include STEM, science, and mathematics into the classroom through educational projects. They are offering teachers grants of $1,000 (K-5) and $5,000+ (6-12) to fund projects designed to tap into their students natural curiosity for learning. This grant money is to be used for projects only. Not the type of grant to apply for if you are looking to purchase computers, laptops, or tablets.


Science and math teachers in both the public and private sectors are welcome to apply. An endorsement from a school official is required.


Deadlines are as follows:

Grades K-5 – 10/1

Grades 6-12 – 3/1, 6/1, 9/1, and 12/1

For awards greater than $5,000 for grades 6-12 the deadlines are 5/1 and 11/1


Please visit to learn more and to apply.'