With Black Friday, and the holiday shopping season just around the corner, deals are popping up left and right. This is the perfect time for teachers, educators, and administrators to hit the web in search of the best possible deals on technology for the classroom. In addition to seasonal deals, teachers can take advantage of discounts that are available to them year round from a host of retailers. One of those big brands is Apple.

In order to really understand what the process is like for teachers looking to get the “teacher/educator” discount, I thought I would give it a try. I recently had to purchase some Apple products for a promotion I was running at work. Since I’m married to a teacher, I decided to take advantage of some savings. I’m a pretty big Apple fan outside of the working world, so I was curious to see what discounts lay ahead. What kind of products would be discounted for teachers? How much could I actually save?

First I went to the Apple website to check out what they had to offer for teachers shopping online.I found the Apple Education Store. This is a website dedicated to providing discounts on Apple products. On this site Apple states, “Shop at the Apple Store for Education and save on a new Mac and a new iPad. Education pricing is available to college students, students accepted to college, parents buying for college students, faculty, homeschool teachers, and staff at all grade levels.” Bingo! Teacher discounts.

I was curious to see if they’d live up to their words.

Once I thoroughly browsed the site I realized the following (and apologize for the caps lock, but this is super-important), THERE IS NO LIST OF PRODUCTS ELIGIBLE FOR THE APPLE DISCOUNT (at least not one that Apple provides.) Instead, the site lists the different products that they offer for a discount (the cost that is listed reflects what the discount is, which is about $20 dollars off the regular retail price.)

Not all of the products are eligible for the discount, though, so it can take a lot of time to sift through the products and determine if they are, in fact, a lower price. So we’ve done some of the work for you!

As of November 23, 2016 here’s the pricing we’re finding…

*Please note prices vary depending on sizes and features.

MacBook: $1,249 or $1,549.
MacBook Air: $949 or $1,149.
MacBook Pro (13-inch): $1,199 – $1,899.
MacBook Pro (15-inch): $2,249 or $2,599.
iMac: $1,049-$2,099.
Mac Pro: $2,799 or $3,699.
Mac Mini: $479-$979.
iPad Pro (9.7 inches): $579-$909.
iPad Pro (12.9 inches): $779-$1,109.
iPad Air 2: $379-$509.
iPad Mini 4: $379-$509.
iPad Mini 2: $259-$389.

Here’s what I saved: $20 off an iPad Air 2.

It’s just $20 dollars, but it took no time. Bottom line, this discount is real and worth it. It’s small, but a few discounts like this add up!

If you have additional questions, you can call Apple at (800–692–7753) or ask on their chat feature.

Happy shopping!