Do students need more time preparing for online exams than we think? This piece from EdTech Magazine explores the question. Read the source article…
Assemblyman Jack Ciattarelli responded to Speaker Vincent Prieto’s school funding proposal Wednesday, which calls for pumping an additional $125 million in state aid to…
Are you using your classroom technology actively, and effectively? This EdTech article gives you insight into how using certain pieces of ed tech can help students for life outside of school.
Another interesting video from TeachThought — 15 statements to shape your teaching in a post-progressive education system. Read the source article at Main -…
This article for EdTech Magazine looks at marketing trends, and forecasts that reflect new arrivals in education technology. Read the source article at EdTech…
An interesting video from TeachThought about education being fair. Read the source article at Main – TeachThought
Some Teachers Union news from… As its longtime foe, Gov. Chris Christie , prepares to exit the governorship next January, New Jersey’s largest…
Some food for thought when it comes to educational media… Educational media is at an inflection point. As online learning companies compete for the…
Are you currently struggling with how to get the best work out of your students? NJ Teachers Lounge would like to recommend this video…