Walnut Street Theatre Plans Interactive Virtual Performances
On Friday, April 17, Philadelphia’s Walnut Street Theatre will present three interactive virtual performances geared toward helping students, teachers and parents creatively explore how to cope with their school’s “new normal.” The short theatrical production entitled “Finding Our Focus,” will dramatize several of the issues students and their teachers currently face and allow the virtual audience members to choose variable endings to the presented scenarios. The productions, which will be archived for viewing after April 17, are designed to be both educational and entertaining. A Q&A session with an expert panel of educators fielding questions will follow each of the three presentations.
The Walnut Street productions round out a series of COVID-19 response resources and webinars created by Teacher/Coach to support educators, students and parents with the practical and social emotional challenges raised by the pandemic.
Click here to register and attend. Discussion materials for educators and parents are also available here.