Latest Past Events
Project Adventure Workshops (4 workshops to choose from)
Purnell School 51 Pottersville Road, PottersvilleNJAHPERD is an organization that exists to improve programs in NJ schools and communities that encourage healthy active living (specifically in the areas of health education, physical education, recreation, dance
Math & Movement
Franklin Elementary School 8 Meeker Street, SuccasunnaMath is increasingly important in the world and is a core component of the 21st century skills that students need for future success. Sometimes math can be difficult for students to learn and they may find it uninteresting. Math & Movement is changing the game by introducing exercises that are both research-based and classroom tested,
99th NJAHPERD Annual Convention
Ocean Place Resort & Spa 1 Ocean Blvd, Long BranchCalling all Health and Physical Education Teachers and those who teach recreation and dance! This conference is specifically designed for you! (NJAHPERD stands for New Jersey Association for Health, Physical Education,