Latest Past Events
Project Based Learning for Algebra Students
Clifton Public Schools CliftonThis workshop is designed for 6 – 10th grade teachers, pre-service teachers/educators, specialists, math coaches, supervisors. If you are looking to help your students become independent thinkers who can gather information, process it efficiently, and arrive at real-world solutions-- you are probably familiar with Project-Based learning. This workshop will help to prepare Algebra I
Integrating STEM Lessons in the Math Classroom
Kent Place School 42 Norwood Ave, SummitThis workshop is designed for 8 – 12th grade teachers, specialists, math coaches, supervisors, school & district administrators. In this workshop, teachers who are interested in creating STEM lessons in Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 and/or Trigonometry, will have the opportunity to do so in a way that is aligned with the Mathematics Common Core
Creating Mathematical Stations, Grades 6-12
Busch Campus- Rutgers New Brusnwick 604 Bartholomew Road, PiscatawayWith so many different kinds of students in each class, how is it possible to reach each student individually, each class period?? Math stations can facilitate an environment in which the class as a whole covers a lesson that students learn in individualized ways—to help them learn the material best. This session will address what