Stronger than Before: Eric LeGrand on Building Character in the Midst of Struggle

If you haven’t encountered Eric LeGrand before, this is a great little video packed with some truly impactful life wisdom for students (and for the rest of us).

Plymouth Rock Assurance and Teachers’ Insurance Plan of NJ (sponsors of the Plymouth Rock Teachers’ Lounge) have joined forces with the renowned motivational speaker, philanthropist and voice for the disabled community, to help support him in giving back to the community through in-school speaking engagements. Eric and Team LeGrand have done so much to inspire New Jersey’s youth and carry forward the legacy of the late Christopher Reeve.

This highlight video from a recent NJ high school presentation delivers some important character lessons and perspective-changing insights. Watch it once or twice and share it with your students. Making sense of struggles and hardships isn’t easy, but LeGrand is a true role model and guide when it comes to this subject.

Click here to view the inspirational video.

Be well and enjoy!'